#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class MyString { private: char *m_pchString; int m_nLength; public: MyString(const char *pchString="") { // Find the length of the string // Plus one character for a terminator m_nLength = strlen(pchString) + 1; m_pchString = new char[m_nLength]; strncpy(m_pchString, pchString, m_nLength); // Make sure the string is terminated m_pchString[m_nLength-1] = '\0'; cout << "MyString constructor called" << endl; } ~MyString() // destructor { // We need to deallocate our buffer if(m_pchString){ cout << "MyString destructor called. m_pchString is " << m_pchString << endl; delete[] m_pchString; m_pchString = NULL; } } char* GetString() { return m_pchString; } int GetLength() { return m_nLength; } }; int main() { MyString NameOne("Alex"); cout << "My name is: " << NameOne.GetString() << endl; // Allocate a MyString dynamically MyString *pNameTwo = new MyString("Lilei"); cout << "My name is: " << pNameTwo->GetString() << endl; delete pNameTwo; { MyString NameThree("HanMeimei"); cout << "My name is: " << NameThree.GetString() << endl; } cout << "program would exit!" << endl; return 0; } // NameOne destructor called here!
[jicanmeng@andy tmp]$ g++ destructor.cpp
[jicanmeng@andy tmp]$ ./a.out
MyString constructor called
My name is: Alex
MyString constructor called
My name is: Lilei
MyString destructor called. m_pchString is Lilei
MyString constructor called
My name is: HanMeimei
MyString destructor called. m_pchString is HanMeimei
program would exit!
MyString destructor called. m_pchString is Alex
[jicanmeng@andy tmp]$